How to Write a Lesson Plan: Complete Guide. The first step in integrating curriculum themes is to plan lessons. To ensure that students get the most out of weekly lessons, create a lesson plan with clearly stated learning objectives, goals, and a metric for monitoring progress toward these goals. Ask yourself questions about the structure and benefits of your lessons, as well as your students’ requirements. When constructing your class plan, consider the following questions:
- What is the lesson’s goal or learning objective?
- What materials are required to properly teach this lesson?
- What kinds of activities will assist my pupils learn this subject the most effectively?
- Which group sizes are optimal for each activity and which will help students learn most effectively?
A lesson plan has been the teacher’s road map for what students should learn and how they will learn it effectively throughout class. Then you may create relevant learning activities and ways for getting feedback on student progress. Having a well-thought-out lesson plan for each 3-hour class gives you more confidence in the classroom and increases your chances of having a good quality of education with your students.
Three main components are addressed and integrated in an effective lesson plan ( how write a lesson plan):
- Learning Outcomes
- Learning exercises
- Checking for student knowledge through assessment
A lesson plan is not thorough, but it provides you with a general idea of your teaching goals, learning objectives, and methods for achieving them. A fruitful lesson is one in which both the students and the instructor learn from one other, rather than one in which everything goes perfectly as planned.
Address the individually and collectively learning styles and needs of your class. Is it true that your pupils respond better to finding their own study texts than to textbooks and websites you offer? Many of your students may be tactile learners who require physical exercises to help them absorb knowledge. Keep in mind that some children may have unique needs or obstacles that will necessitate supporting documents or support in order for them to engage in activities and courses. In addition, your lesson plan should be well-written, brief, and simple to follow and perform. You’ll be able to give a road map for any replacement teachers in your room to obey in your absence if you write lesson plans in this method.
Examples of Key Components of a Lesson Plan
Follow the key components on how write a lesson plan:
- The following is an example of an objective or a declaration of learning goals: The core of your lesson plan is your objectives. They should be stated clearly and should specify which skills, information, or understanding students should obtain as a result of the lesson (for example, “At the end of this session, students will be able to observe and recognize all 50 United States”). Make sure your goals are attainable, measurable, and in line with your school’s and/or district’s educational standards for your grade level.
- Make a list of all necessary resources and make sure they’re ready far ahead of time for the session. If your lesson necessitates the use of shared resources or locations (such as computer laboratories or shared electronics), be sure to reserve and confirm these areas. Keep all of your materials in one place, labeled for your class, and have extras on hand. Include any links or media you’ll need for your class, as well as any materials you’ll require. Make sure to bookmark your favorite websites and create playlists ahead of time.
- The technique and instructions are as follows: Make extensive notes on the class or activity’s procedure as well as how instructions will be presented. Maybe there’s certain information you don’t want students to know right away, but you want them to figure it out as the session progresses. Your lesson plan should be precise enough that anyone reading it will have all of the same information and be able to teach the lesson effectively.
- Lesson and activity group sizes: For activities inside your classes, it’s preferable to employ a mix of groupings, such as individual, pair, small group, and full class work. Consider whether groups will work best for each activity when designing your activities, or whether students will be able to choose which group sizes work best for them. Consider the supplies required for each activity, as well as the availability of those materials/resources.
- A approach for determining how well students are progressing toward their goals: How will you know whether your lesson plan was successful in meeting its learning objectives? Detail your evaluation approach (oral exam, written quiz, project, etc.) in your class plan, and obtain feedback on what worked and didn’t work for students. Decide what criteria will be used to evaluate the success of your lesson (ex: students are able to display knowledge comprehension in line with the learning objective 80 percent of the time).
- Some homework tasks that are applicable to the class and will help you learn more.
As a general rule, lesson plans should be completed no later than the Thursday before they are to be implemented. Allow time to assess progress toward the current week’s goals and determine whether the lesson should be extended into the following week. Give yourself enough time to gather the supplies you’ll need. For the creation of lesson plans, several schools and districts demand the usage of lesson planning books and templates. If yours doesn’t, you may either make your own weekly lesson plan template or find one on the internet. Here are some excellent teacher-created lesson plan examples. With a little help and practice, you’ll be able to create your own lesson plan in no time. A good lesson on how write a lesson plan.
Effective Classroom Management Requires Lesson Planning
How write a lesson plan? the effective way? The importance of lesson planning in providing children with stable classroom environments that support their development is enormous. Students of all ages respond best to predictable routines in which they are involved and aware of the process and can predict what will happen next. Post your lesson plans in prominent locations so students, substitutes, and parents can quickly view them and keep up with your curriculum. As an exit ticket, have students alternate reading the next day’s activities, supplies, and assigned assignments.
A lesson plan for teachers that considers students’ learning styles and interests goes a long way toward encouraging student engagement and participation in the classroom. Encourage your students to provide feedback on lessons at any time during the week or at the end of the course, and keep track of which components elicited the greatest and worst replies.

1. Identifying the learning objectives
This is how write a lesson plan. Before you begin planning your class, you must first determine the lesson’s learning objectives. Instead of describing what the learner will be exposed to during instruction, a learning objective specifies what the learner will know or be able to do following the learning experience (i.e. topics). It is usually written in a language that students can understand and is clearly linked to the program’s learning objectives. The characteristics of clear learning objectives are listed in the table below:
Characteristic | Description |
Clearly stated tasks | Free from jargon and complex vocabulary; describe specific and achievable tasks (such as ‘describe’, ‘analyse’ or ‘evaluate’) NOT vague tasks (like ‘appreciate’, ‘understand’ or ‘explore’). |
Important learning goals | Describe the course’s important (rather than optional) learning that a student must complete. |
Achievable | Can be accomplished in the time allotted if appropriate resources are available. |
Demonstrable and measurable | May be seen and measured in a tangible sense; achievement and quality of achievement can be observed. |
Fair and equitable | All pupils, including those with disabilities or limitations, have a reasonable opportunity of succeeding. |
Linked to course and program objectives | Consider the broader goals – i.e. course, program and institutional goals. |
2. Create the more detailed learning activities
When developing learning activities, think about the kinds of activities students will need to do in order to gain the skills and information needed to demonstrate effective learning throughout the course. Learning activities should be closely tied to the course’s learning objectives and give opportunities for students to participate in, practice, and get feedback on particular progress toward those goals.
Estimate how much time you will spend on each learning activity as you organize your activities. Allow time for detailed explanations or discussions, but also be prepared to move rapidly to new applications or challenges, as well as to establish ways for ensuring comprehension. Consider the following questions as you plan the learning activities you’ll use:
- What am I going to do to explain the subject?
- What will I do to present the topic in a new light?
- How can I get pupils interested in the topic?
- What real-life examples, analogies, or scenarios can students use to better understand the topic?
- What will students need to undertake in order to gain a deeper understanding of the topic?
There are numerous activities that can be used to engage students. The activity types (what the student is doing) and examples offered below are by no means comprehensive, but they will aid you in considering how to plan and deliver high-impact learning experiences for your students in a normal lesson.
Activity Type | Learning Activity | Description |
Interaction with content Students are more likely to retain information presented in these ways if they are asked to interact with the material in some way. | Drill and practice | Problem/task is presented to students where they are asked to provide the answer; may be timed or untimed |
Lecture | Convey concepts verbally, often with visual aids (e.g. presentation slides) | |
Quiz | Exercise to assess the level of student understanding and questions can take many forms, e.g. multiple-choice, short-structured, essay etc. | |
Student presentation | Oral report where students share their research on a topic and take on a position and/or role | |
Interaction with digital content Students experiment with decision making, and visualise the effects and/or consequences in virtual environments | Game | Goal-oriented exercise that encourages collaboration and/or competition within a controlled virtual environment |
Simulation | Replica or representation of a real-world phenomenon that enables relationships, contexts, and concepts to be studied | |
Interaction with others Peer relationships, informal support structures, and teacher-student interactions/relationships | Debate | Verbal activity in which two or more differing viewpoints on a subject are presented and argued |
Discussion | Formal/informal conversation on a given topic/question where the instructor facilitates student sharing of responses to the questions, and building upon those responses | |
Feedback | Information provided by the instructor and/or peer(s) regarding aspects of one’s performance or understanding | |
Guest Speaker | Feelings, thoughts, ideas and experiences specific to a given topic are shared by an invited presenter | |
Problem solving and Critical thinking Presenting students with a problem, scenario, case, challenge or design issue, which they are then asked to address or deal with provides students with opportunities to think about or use knowledge and information in new and different ways | Case Study | Detailed story (true or fictional) that students analyse in detail to identify the underlying principles, practices, or lessons it contains |
Concept Mapping | Graphical representation of related information in which common or shared concepts are linked together | |
Real-world projects | Planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations, either individually or collaboratively | |
Reflection The process of reflection starts with the student thinking about what they already know and have experienced in relation to the topic being explored/learnt. This is followed by analysis of why the student thinks about the topic in the way they do, and what assumptions, attitudes and beliefs they have about, and bring to learning about the topic. | Reflection journal | Written records of students’ intellectual and emotional reactions to a given topic on a regular basis (e.g. weekly after each lesson) |
Time line is important:
Good teachers are well aware of how simple it is to run out of time and so fail to cover all of the topics they had planned to cover. Because a list of ten learning objectives is unrealistic, limit your list to two or three important concepts, ideas, or skills that you want pupils to master. Instructors also believe that they must frequently change their lesson plans in class based on the needs of their pupils. Your prioritized learning objectives list will aid you in making quick judgments and adjusting your lesson plan as needed. You can also be more adaptable if you have more examples or alternate tasks. A realistic timeline reflects your adaptability and readiness to adjust to the classroom’s unique setting.
Each learning activity in the lesson should be (1) aligned to the lesson’s learning objectives, (2) meaningfully engage students in active, constructive, authentic, and collaborative ways, and (3) useful in that the student can apply what they’ve learned from the activity in a different context or for a different purpose.
It will be easier to keep your students focused and on track if you let them know what they will be studying and doing in class. Organizing class time in a meaningful way can help students remember more, as well as follow your presentation and comprehend the rationale behind the scheduled learning activities. You can communicate your lesson plan with students by putting a quick agenda on the blackboard or explicitly telling them what they will learn and do in class.
After each lesson, take a few minutes to reflect on what went well and why, as well as what you could have accomplished. It would be easier to react to the classroom’s contingencies if the successful and unsuccessful organization of class time and activities could be identified. Rewrite the lesson plan if necessary.
Due to a variety of unforeseen events, a lesson plan may not go as well as you had hoped. It happens to even the most seasoned teachers, so don’t be disheartened! After each lesson, take a few minutes to reflect on what went well and why, as well as what you could have done differently. It would be easier to react to the classroom’s contingencies if the successful and unsuccessful organization of class time and activities could be identified.
Watch Video on How to Write a Lesson Plan
Final Thoughts
My final words on how write a lesson plan: The lesson plan does not have to be an extensive document that explains every possible classroom setting to be effective. It is also not required to anticipate every student’s reaction or question. Instead, it should give you a broad overview of your teaching goals, learning objectives, and strategies for achieving them. It serves as a reminder of your goals and how you intend to achieve them. A fruitful lesson is one in which both students and instructors learn from one other, rather than one in which everything goes exactly as planned. Happy reading this article on how write a lesson plan. You can try creating lesson plan on using comics for teaching English Vocabulary.